Los Angeles

Administrative Excellence

We’re Built to Help.

For over 37 years, R-Tech Consultants, Inc. has provided companies, just like yours, retirement plan design, administration, recordkeeping and actuarial services. Employers trust R-Tech Consultants, Inc. can assist with their retirement plan needs due to our knowledgeable team and our commitment to providing quality service, on time and at competitive prices.

We encourage you to explore our website to learn more about our company and the services we offer.


Since 1987, R-Tech Consultants, Inc. has been a leading Third-Party Administrator in the retirement plan industry. We have helped employers develop qualified plans, non-qualified plans and flexible benefit plans to meet their specific business and organizational needs.


As a family owned and operated business, R‑Tech Consultants, Inc. considers each client as a member of its extended family. We are here to service your retirement plan needs.


R-Tech Consultants, Inc. is constantly investing in the latest "best practices" for businesses. Our professionals handle data in a secured network, with the latest applications, so clients have confidence their information is kept private.

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